SurveyCTO high-level overview

A high-level overview of the SurveyCTO platform, complete with a summary of its major components and links to where and how to get started.
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Your subscription: details and management

A summary of where and how to both learn more about and manage your SurveyCTO subscription.
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Getting help when you need it

An overview of where and how to get help using SurveyCTO, including handy links to the many resources available to you.
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Managing users and access

A very brief introduction to how you manage users and their access in SurveyCTO.
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Designing forms

A very brief introduction to how you design data-collection forms in SurveyCTO.
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Collecting data

A summary of how you collect data with SurveyCTO, including links to where you can learn more about specific techniques.
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Monitoring data collection

A very brief introduction to how you monitor incoming data in SurveyCTO.
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Exporting, publishing, and using your data

A very brief introduction to how you explore, export, or publish data collected with SurveyCTO.
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