Lindo Simelane

Lindo Simelane

Digital Analytics Associate

Lindo is a part of the marketing team at Dobility, the company that powers SurveyCTO. He is responsible for all aspects of data management and analytics for SurveyCTO’s website, social media, and other marketing efforts.

Lindo has a passion for research to inform policy in international development and economics. He has extensive experience in the ICT4D space that includes research work, and a background in international business and finance.

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Lindo Simelane

SurveyCTO Webinar Series: Update your household rosters over time

In this second installment of SurveyCTO’s webinar series, we show you how to update your household rosters by combining baseline and endline household rosters into one list in the SurveyCTO platform. We do so by assembling a choice list that captures all the members of a household, both new and previous. This choice list can be created in an endline survey, as well as in any midline surveys.

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Lindo Simelane

Our Story

SurveyCTO is the most reliable, secure, and scalable mobile data collection platform for researchers and professionals working in offline settings.

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Lindo Simelane

2.51: Higher-quality surveys in less time

2.51 introduces features for faster survey form testing; simple, yet powerful, choice-order randomization; expanded functionality for more thorough on-device survey review; and many more features for better surveys and data

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