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SurveyCTO Webinar Series: How To Conduct Conjoint Analysis Using SurveyCTO

Popular in market research, conjoint analysis is a highly effective statistical tool. It enables the measurement of how respondents value different attributes that make up a particular product, service, or program. Since any product, program or service can be broken down into distinct attributes or features, the extent to which each of these attributes are valued can be highly insightful for stakeholders.

SurveyCTO now makes it convenient and simple to conduct conjoint analysis on our platform with the addition of a conjoint analysis plug-in to our field plug-in catalog.

Our presenter, Mofya Phiri, is a Research Advisor for Dobility’s Customer Success Team. In this webinar, Mofya takes attendees on a deeper dive into conjoint analysis. He’ll explain how SurveyCTO’s conjoint analysis plug-in can be used to implement this sophisticated statistical technique across multiple use cases, and how to get started with this plug-in by deploying and building off of the conjoint analysis Workflow in the Hub, SurveyCTO’s data collection template gallery

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Lindo Simelane

Digital Analytics Associate

Lindo is a part of the marketing team at Dobility, the company that powers SurveyCTO. He is responsible for all aspects of data management and analytics for SurveyCTO’s website, social media, and other marketing efforts.

Lindo has a passion for research to inform policy in international development and economics. He has extensive experience in the ICT4D space that includes research work, and a background in international business and finance.